The single output, 120 W Keysight E3632A, provides dual-range outputs; small, compact size for bench use; low output ripple and noise; as well as built-in measurements and is a programmable power supply with GPIB and RS232 interfaces.
E3632A 120 W GPIB 單路輸出電源提供了兩個輸出范圍,并且外形小巧緊湊,適合作為臺式電源使用。它具有超低的輸出紋波和噪聲,以及多種測量功能,是一款配有 GPIB 和 RS232 接口的可編程電源。
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編程準確度(25°C ±5°C)
紋波和噪聲(20 Hz 至 20 MHz)
讀回準確度(25°C ±5°C)